
It is no exaggeration to say that the goji berry is a storehouse of vitality given to man by nature. There is no other similar plant on Earth.

Goji berries have a unique composition:
– the number of amino acids is 18, half of which are not synthesized by the body; – 21 minerals, including iron, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, chromium, magnesium and others; – vitamins B1, B2, B6 and E , a lot of vitamin C;
– 4 essential polysaccharides (LBP-1, LBP-2, LBP-3, LBP-4), which are not present in any food product; – 2 polyunsaturated acids (omega-3, omega-6); – 25,300 units of antioxidants in 100 grams of berries.

goji berries contain approximately 370 calories. They contain: 68% carbohydrates, 12% proteins, 10% fats and 10% dietary fiber. In addition, goji berries contain minerals such as:
– calcium (112 mg / 100 g); – potassium (1132 mg / 100 g); – iron (9 mg / 100 g); – zinc (50 mg / 100 g). This is the only natural product containing germanium, a known natural element that helps fight cancer. Goji berries contain 500 times more vitamin C than oranges.
One hundred grams of even dried fruit contains double the daily dose of vitamin E , which is protected in these berries by a large amount of beta-carotene.
The iron content is 15 times higher than its presence in spinach.

Goji berries are a rich source of two key nutrients that promote healthy sleep: thiamine and magnesium.
Thiamine (vitamin B1) also improves mood, reduces depression, and provides extra energy. It is found in whole grains, but not in the refined grains that are commonly consumed while dieting. Magnesium reduces the time it takes to fall asleep and improves sleep quality.

Goji berries contain a variety of substances, some of which are rare in nature. For example, physalin , which has a strong anti-carcinogenic effect, helps fight malignant tumors.

The unique molecular bonds of substances that goji berries are soaked with increase their energy several times. Receiving a kind of “instruction” from polysaccharides, each cell of the human body begins to work in a balanced manner, all protective mechanisms are involved in a single system. With sufficient supply of polysaccharides and their correct selection, the human body begins to resemble a well-oiled clock mechanism.

Polysaccharides are complex carbohydrates that are the main source of energy released during metabolism. They are characterized by high biological activity: antiviral, antibiotic, antidote , antitumor. Polysaccharides supply protein complexes and lipoproteins to blood plasma. They are simply irreplaceable for the prevention of many diseases.


 These healing berries have been used in Chinese folk medicine for over 5,000 years and have proven themselves to be the best thanks to their properties. Modern scientists have only recently studied the beneficial properties of goji berries , and thanks to this, this product has become quite widespread, mainly in the production of natural health products around the world.

Goji berries have a positive effect on almost all organs and systems of the body, which has a positive effect on the general well-being of a person. The beneficial properties of goji make it possible to do both powerful prevention of various diseases and successfully use them for therapeutic purposes in various painful conditions.


Cardiovascular system

Normalization of blood pressure. Using goji, you can achieve stabilization of arterial pressure (if the pressure is low or high, it is normalized).

Lowering cholesterol. The level of harmful cholesterol in the body tissues and blood decreases. This is due to the sistoretin contained in the berries . The abundance of antioxidants in goji berries prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels. Thanks to this, such dangerous conditions as heart attacks and strokes are prevented.

Strengthening the heart and blood vessels. Thanks to the anthocyanins present in goji berries , the strength and elasticity of arteries is maintained, the heart muscle is strengthened and the work of the heart is regulated.

Improvement of blood composition and blood circulation. When using goji berries , lipid peroxidation in the blood is blocked, which is, in fact, a powerful prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The level of blood enzymes that inhibit the formation of sticky lipids increases. Blood circulation and microcirculation in small vessels improves, the oxygen content in the blood increases and its acidity decreases. The rate of formation of white and red blood cells increases significantly, which makes it possible to use goji berries in the treatment of impaired bone marrow functions. With regular use of these berries for preventive and therapeutic purposes, there is a noticeable rejuvenation of the blood . The number of T-lymphocytes increases , which significantly increases the body’s resistance to various infections and viruses.

The problem of excess weight

Goji berries have pronounced anti-cellulite properties, promote the burning of fatty tissue and normalize weight. With regular use of this product, during digestion, there is a greater conversion of food into energy than into fat mass.

Cancer diseases

Reduced risk of cancer. Due to the presence of such a chemical element as germanium in the composition of goji berries, genetic mutations capable of leading to various malignant neoplasms are restrained. Antioxidants contained in berries largely resist the destructive influence of free radicals capable of causing various tumors. Their damage with regular use of natural preparations based on goji berries is practically reduced to zero. I would especially like to note the ability to strengthen the fight against liver cancer. Natural aging of the body and stress lead to less production of the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD), which adversely affects the body’s ability to resist free radicals and various mutations. SOD plays a key role in the antioxidant protection of the body. When consuming goji berries, its amount in the body increases by more than a third.

Recovery period after oncology. After successful cancer treatment with traditional methods, recovery is required. Traditional recovery methods using goji- based preparations are 2.5 times more effective than without goji .

goji berry-based preparations , there is an increased death of cancer cells and their removal from the body. Active antitumor reactions are caused by the cytokine “Interleukin-2” found in goji berries . It is able to delay tumor growth, thereby increasing the chances of recovery.

Reducing the harmful effects of chemotherapy on the body. Scientists have proven the ability of goji to provide protection against the extremely negative effects of chemotherapy and its side effects. Read also about the deadly danger that chemotherapy carries.

Gastrointestinal tract

Eating goji berries has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, improves appetite and relieves ailments such as gastritis, colitis and diarrhea.


Rejuvenation of the body

goji berries , they are excellent at slowing down such an inevitable process as aging of the body. Particular attention should be paid to these berries by people prone to premature aging.


Nervous system

One of the remarkable properties of goji berries is the ability to improve sleep, thereby dealing with insomnia. They eliminate various depressive states, anxiety, and improve mood. In Tibet, goji berries were called “berries of happiness” precisely for their property of having a positive effect on the nervous system.


Blood sugar level

For many centuries, the Chinese have used goji berries to treat the initial stages of diabetes. These berries have the ability to normalize blood sugar levels due to the polysaccharides they contain. By consuming goji berries, people suffering from diabetes can also avoid fatty liver disease and damage to blood vessels.



Reproductive system

Goji berries perfectly stimulate sexual desire in both men and women, increase potency and are used in the treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma. Taking various products based on these berries significantly increases the level of testosterone in the blood, which leads to “kindling up passions” in both sexes.

goji berries have been used since ancient times to treat infertility in both women and men. Sperm become more resilient and viable, and the egg cell’s ability to fertilize increases.

Pregnancy period. During the entire pregnancy period, taking goji berries ensures the normalization of the pregnancy, especially in pathological conditions when a woman is unable to bear a fetus normally.

Immune system

goji berries stimulates the immune system, thereby allowing to resist various infectious and viral diseases much more effectively. The substances contained in these berries not only stimulate the production of immune cells, but also have anti-infective properties. Thanks to them, goji berries are used even in the complex treatment of such a disease as tuberculosis.



goji berries , the adaptation of vision to darkness is noticeably reduced, twilight vision is improved, and vision in general becomes sharper.


Musculoskeletal system

Goji berries have been used in traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicine for centuries to strengthen bones and muscle fibers. They were used for weakness in the legs and joint pain.


Goji berries , as you have already seen, are used both for prevention and for treatment of various diseases of almost all organs and systems of the body. Currently, various natural preparations based on goji have been developed . Thanks to them, you can not only read about the wonderful properties of this berry, but also feel their healing effect on your body.





Contraindications and harm to the body

According to foreign literature, there have been recorded cases of toxic poisoning associated with the use of fruits. For this reason, you should not consume more than forty grams of Tibetan barberry per day: benefits are possible only with regular use. And a single portion of 100 grams can cause serious harm to health, causing vomiting, nausea, dizziness, headache, sleep disturbance, increased nervous excitability.


Use in combination with certain groups of pharmaceutical drugs may enhance the effect of :

·         reducing blood viscosity;

·         normalizing blood pressure;

·         therapeutic agents for the treatment of diabetes mellitus.


During the period of treatment with the indicated groups of drugs, the use of goji berries is prohibited. Contraindications are the presence of:


·         hypertension;

·         diabetes mellitus;

·         elevated body temperature (possibly increased symptoms);

·         pregnancy;

·         breastfeeding (preferably until the end of lactation);

·         individual intolerance;

·         impaired functioning of the cardiovascular system;

·         allergic reactions;

·         children under three years of age;

·         pancreatitis (in acute and chronic stages);

·         ulcers, gastritis and other gastrointestinal disorders during periods of exacerbation.

If there are any deviations, a doctor’s consultation is required before introducing into the diet.


Side effects are expressed:


·         diarrhea;

·         flatulence;

·         vomiting.

If any alarming symptoms occur, use of the product should be stopped immediately.



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