
The scope of application of instant chicory has long gone beyond the substitute for instant coffee and additives to coffee drinks due to its rich composition:


   Chicory is a natural, harmless product in the form of processed powder, which does not contain preservatives, various additives and chemicals; the absence of contraindications confirms the fact that it can be consumed by children, women during pregnancy and lactation.


  1. Instant chicory removes excess, unnecessary fluid from the body, which is often the cause of excess weight, has a diuretic effect , but does not remove the substances necessary and needed for the body to function. It is certainly not recommended to get carried away with the drink in order to avoid dehydration.
  2. Inulin, which is contained in chicory, helps to overcome cravings for sweets and also reduces appetite.
  3. The drink is a real savior for people who, due to work or other reasons, do not have the opportunity to eat properly during the day, and they resort to fast food , baked goods, dry snacks, which leads to constipation, intestinal problems and dysbacteriosis, which results in excess weight. Regular consumption of instant chicory can improve the general condition of the intestinal flora and speed up metabolism, due to which excess calories will not accumulate in our body and settle as extra centimeters on our body.
  4. Due to the fiber content in the plant, the feeling of satiety comes faster and lasts longer. It is recommended to drink a cup of the drink immediately after finishing a meal, which will certainly relieve the feeling of hunger and prevent overeating.

  Contraindications and harm to the body

  1. It can lead to an overdose of vitamin C in the body , since chicory is very rich in these components; if you are allergic to this vitamin, drinking the drink is not recommended.
  2. Some chronic diseases, such as asthma and pneumonia, may worsen.
  3. Varicose veins and other vascular diseases, hemorrhoids may enter the acute phase when taking the substance, so caution should be exercised.


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